Circle and CYBAVO will promote adoption of USD Coins and Web3 applications, while integrating technology...

Stephan Holzer claimed that NFTs can be made easier to use, which could increase their...

The task force will report its findings and possible legislation to the State Capitol. This...

Kevin Thompson, an attorney, believes that this event will frustrate regulators and lead to Shopify's...

A few of the most well-known celebrities in Indonesia have contributed to digital asset interest. ...

In Indonesia, cryptocurrencies are gaining popularity due to regulations, exchanges, and adoption. ...

Every innovation should be designed so that, as it grows in adoption, the right scaling...

Coinbase, a crypto exchange, announced that it will soon collect additional information about users located...

As the world moves towards a Web3 future, data security and accessibility are becoming important...

Despite socioeconomic and other headwinds, cryptocurrency adoption is increasing in Africa. KuCoin has released a...