Because of the high return promise, novice traders often gravitate to options and futures markets....

On Sept. 15, Ethereum blockchain changed from a proof of work (PoW), to a consensus...

Fantom ( ) is well-known for its speed and affordable layer-1 Blockchain. Fantom's mainnet was...

FV Bank, a global digital bank, is the latest financial platform that allows deposits in...

Finance Redefined is your weekly dose of essential Decentralized Finance (DeFi) insights. This newsletter was...

“The collapse of crypto shadow banks like Celsius demonstrated just how problematic centralized, opaque finance can...

Multiple sources claim that China officially started rolling out its next round of central bank...


A Sunday tweet by Changpeng Zhao (also known as CZ) revealed that only 50 of...

Developers and investors have the opportunity to create new financial tools that provide a variety...