Hodler's Digest is available every Saturday to help you keep track of every important news...

According to reports, a bug in the smart contract code of the Ethereum Alarm Clock...

Japan's national police have arrested Lazarus, a North Korean hacker group, for allegedly being behind...

Finance Redefined is your weekly dose of essential Decentralized Finance (DeFi) insights. This newsletter was...

Transit Swap, a multichain decentralized Exchange (DEX) aggregater, suffered a loss of $21 million when...

In an ironic twist of events in Decentralized Finance (DeFi), an Ethereum arbitrage trading robot...

AvengerDAO is a community-driven security initiative that helps protect users from scams, malicious actors, and...

The DeFi dapps saw a slight recovery, with the monthly average of unique active wallets...

Since 2017, the interest in crypto has grown and has increased further since 2021 when...