Brian Newar, Cointelegraph's reporter, spoke with Alex Svanevik (CEO of blockchain data company Nansen) at...

The Ethereum network continues to see the largest number of monthly-active contributors at around 2,000 as...

Academics suggest that a Web3-powered network of mental health support networks could solve the problem...

The first step to using Substrate is setting up your development environment. Developers can then...

Blockchains use consensus algorithms for deciding who can verify transactions on the network. What are...

Bitcoin miners can confirm transactions with lower difficulty, which allows them to get the rewards. ...

CKB saw a 35%+ increase in sales after the release Godwoken L1 and the launch...

Fast two years ago, the average Ethereum gas fee was $40. May 2022 saw the...

Cory Klippsten (CEO of Swan Bitcoin) criticized Celsius Network and other central crypto lending platforms,...