The sustainability movement has emerged as a 21st century megatrend, and it shows no signs of...

“The collapse of crypto shadow banks like Celsius demonstrated just how problematic centralized, opaque finance can...

Today, revolutionaries are back. They have the most powerful economic weapon citizens ever had: Bitcoin. ...

People who have studied history will be able to recall the medieval European city-states. In...

Nansen's research team has published a detailed guide to the popular game Axie Infinity. It...

Recent research has shown that token-distribution exchanges that use airdrops to distribute tokens...

The digital revolution and the rise of the internet has reshaped the global value system...

<p>As the wealth gap continues to widen, it may be beneficial to learn how to convince people you are middle class when you’re actually rich. Otherwise, you might become target enemy number one when the revolution comes! To get things out of the way, I feel rich. Not only do I feel rich, but I</p> <div style="text-align:center;" class="readmore"><a href="" rel="nofollow"><strong></p> <h4>Read More...</h4> <p></strong></a></div> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">How To Convince People You Are Middle Class When You’re Actually Rich</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Financial Samurai</a>.</p>

There has been a lot of debate raging between Blockchain vs Banks. The difference between the two is that banks operate a physical asset whereas digital assets such as bitcoins are an abstract digital asset. However, in the future only one of these asset types may matter more.