Aptos Foundation Layer-1 blockchain company announced Oct 18 that it had given away APT tokens...

Crypto is currently languishing like the internet did in 1996 with slow speeds and few practical...

On Sept. 15, Ethereum blockchain changed from a proof of work (PoW), to a consensus...

Finance Redefined is your weekly dose of essential Decentralized Finance (DeFi) insights. This newsletter was...

Input Output Hong Kong, the blockchain company behind Cardano, has revealed the status of three...

The Ethereum blockchain is ready to transition from its current proof-of-work (PoW), mining consensus, to...

Merge trials on testnets will allow Ethereum developers as well as independent project developers to...

The Cardano testnet hardfork is complete. Now it's time to fork the mainnet. This will...

Before the upgrade is launched to the mainnet, the Cardano upgrade will be available for...

Preston Van Loon, an Ethereum core development engineer at PrysmaticLabs, stated that "Merging Ropsten" is...