Gala Games, a blockchain gaming company, urged its community to calm down after misplaced concerns...

Digital asset platform Bakkt entered into an agreement with Apex Fintech Solutions, Inc. to acquire...

Many parts of Europe, America, and Asia were without internet in the early hours of...

BTC , which has been asleep for more than a decade, is now awake as...

Transaction fees were rampant during the wild bull run. They reached eye-watering heights of $196.638...

Decentralized finance has begun to adopt a new term: "real yield." This refers to DeFi...

According to reports, a bug in the smart contract code of the Ethereum Alarm Clock...

Ethereum bulls have rebuffed claims that the network is prone to censorship after Merge. One...

The United States regulators have been particularly concerned with the cryptocurrency industry in recent years. ...

Crypto is currently languishing like the internet did in 1996 with slow speeds and few practical...