Brian Newar, Cointelegraph's reporter, spoke with Alex Svanevik (CEO of blockchain data company Nansen) at...

Most cryptocurrencies lost more than 60% of its valuation in April, which led to a...

Bitcoin miners can confirm transactions with lower difficulty, which allows them to get the rewards. ...

The ACCC is using a countermeasures service from the U.K.-based Netcraft, which has been providing a...

Gavin Wood stated that he wants to make the Polkadot Blockchain a technocracy. ...

What is an Iceberg Order and how can you use it? Reverse orders can be...

The move comes after 18 Polkadot parachain auctions were secured on the original SALP protocol. ...

This impoverished country launched a crypto project. It includes legalizing Bitcoin, investing in it and...

The bank messaging service, which dates back to the 1970s, is looking to connect CBDCs...

An Isle of Man data analyst demonstrated contactless payments using a Bolt Card that is...