In February, Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman made a tax proposal to bring the unregulated...

If you've never done futures day trading before, it can be intimidating. The concept of futures trading is confusing for many new traders. It's important to understand the basics before you jump in. Common question futures day traders ask is how much return can I expect? This depends on many factors. Some are easier to define than others.

If you are thinking about entering the futures day trading arena, I'm not just talking big money here. I'm talking about real wealth. As long as you know how to play the game, there's no reason you can't become rich. And you don't need much money to get started because there are some strategies that can get you started in the markets with very little capital.

old futures trading is becoming a popular investment vehicle among many consumer traders. It is considered as one of the safest ways to store value, especially in times of economic instability.

<p>Before reviewing my 1Q 2021 and discussing what’s next for various asset classes, let’s talk about hard things. Waiting for the opportune time to propose after buying an engagement ring is hard. The ring just starts burning a hole in your pocket. But do you know what’s even harder? Writing an April Fool’s Day post</p> <div style="text-align:center;" class="readmore"><a href="" rel="nofollow"><strong></p> <h4>Read More...</h4> <p></strong></a></div> <p>The post <a rel="nofollow" href="">1Q 2021 Review: What’s Next For Stocks, Real Estate, And Bonds</a> appeared first on <a rel="nofollow" href="">Financial Samurai</a>.</p>