Hodler's Digest is available every Saturday to help you keep track of every important news...

Since mid-August, cryptocurrencies have been stuck in a bear market since they failed to surpass...

The cryptocurrency market has seen incredible growth. There are nearly 21,000 coins available...

$20,000 is no longer considered support. $100,000 didn't happen. Bitcoin halving is 562 days away. ...

Iran will be the first country to adopt cryptocurrency for foreign trade after the Trade...

Events aren't isolated, as with so many other things in life. Any type of event,...

The DeFi dapps saw a slight recovery, with the monthly average of unique active wallets...

The market's losing streak of three weeks has been extended by the decline in US...

Users are speculating about the implications of Ethereum's Merge for projects and the larger ecosystem...

Local news outlet 36kr.com reports that Tencent, a Chinese technology conglomerate, recently was granted a...