Robert Gryn, a serial entrepreneur, has created a high-tech Metaverse scanner that he...

Cointelegraph spoke with Keith A. Grossman (President at TIME) about TIME's recent move into the...

The Brazilian cryptocurrency market saw more investors and reached the Brazilian stock exchange in 2021....

Latin America witnessed a dramatic rise in crypto adoption between the 20 countries and 14...

Hodler's Digest is available every Saturday to help you keep track of every important news...

Recent research has shown that token-distribution exchanges that use airdrops to distribute tokens...

It’s the Netflix script that wrote itself. A story so outlandish, it’s stunned the crypto...

Trading foreign exchange markets can often feel like picking a winner at the Masters: you try to execute on a general opinion only to be met with a whole mess of choices.

The word “bitcoins” has many people talking. Just what is it? Can you just start buying some and forget about it? After all, if something is worth money, why not use it for trading currencies? In a world where money flows around the world like a river, it’s more important than ever to be able to trade between different currencies.

Transactions are technically verified by network nodes via cryptography and are stored in a public globally replicated ledger known as a block chain. Whenever you make a transaction, you are essentially sending information back to the network.